
Why is the answer always solids?!

This is sort of s vent. My DD is almost 5 months. She was sleeping 7 or 8 hours straight up until 6 weeks ago. Now, she's up 3-4 times a night, not counting the 2-6 times she wakes up within the first 2 hrs of putting her down. When she wakes up, she isn't always hungry. I can normally push her feedings to 4 or 5 hrs apart, and she eats every 2 or 3 hrs during the day. Whenever anyone asks about her sleeping (my mom, friends with kids), they always say she is waking because she is hungry. If I try to feed her if she isn't hungry, she either will eat then throw up, or refuse the breast. I guess my question is, why does everyone think solids are the answer? I'm not starting until 6 mos. I should probably start lying to people so I don't have to hear it anymore.
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