
It's like she's a newborn

Last entire week and half  has been awful. LO is up four times every two hours from nine PM until its time to go to work. She's eating more at grandmas and eating more on me. I am just pumping enough so that is still ok.  She is also getting just one spoon of solids after her dinner feeding every night. I am not sure what I am doing wrong or if she is going through a spurt but my LO that slept four plus hours. most nights is driving me crazy. Anyone else experience this at five months ? Any advice?  My husband tries to put her back to sleep every time but she won't have it. It's go boob or go home for her.  I am worried I am starting a bad habit by nursing back to sleep and it's making her take a step backwards in self-soothing

 Sorry, it 3:30 and I'm pumping after a long night. Just needed to vent. It's just a phase it's just a phase it's just a phase.... 

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