1st Trimester

Lots of gas and (sorry for TMI) loss BMs

Hello ladies - I introduced myself a few days ago as cautious to enter this board because I have been bleeding for the past 10 days.  It started red with small clots, then became brown, and now is back to dark red with clots.  Only now, it only seems to be dark red when I have a BM, which has been 3 times already today.  I have IBS and I can only imagine what's happening in there with all these hormones... and I've been super gassy all day.  I am blaming it on the bacon, egg and cheese I had this AM.  (I know this wasn't a good choice but it was so delicious!)  I feel like the few minor cramps I've had today are attributed to that meal, too.  I won't be having that for a while.

 Anyone have similar experience?  I had 573 beta on Thursday and went again this AM to see if it was doubling.  I won't know until Monday of course... waiting stinks. I'm about 5 weeks and 4 days.

Me-27 DH-29
Plan on TTC #2 as soon as 1st PPP arrives... Come on AF, I've never wanted you more!
Shouts to May2012 LB blueberries! Dear TTC gods, let us be LBs again!
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