
Confused about engorgement?

Hi all,

 I've been reading The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, which has answered a lot of my questions, but I'm still pretty confused about engorgement and what to do/not do during this time.  My LO is generally satisfied with one boob per feeding, and the skipped boob then feels pretty full and a little painful.  I've been just living with it till the next feeding, and then giving him that over-full boob.  But should I be pumping that side instead?  Would that lead to oversupply?  

I waffle between worrying about oversupply and undersupply with my milk.  I don't want to be dealing with crazy engorgement and the problems that it can lead to, but of course I want to have enough for LO!  Right now they both feel pretty full, pretty much all the time except right after a feeding.  He is 9 days old (as of three minutes ago!), and EBF. TIA!

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