
Is using a syringe setting myself up for trouble?

I posted earlier today about how LO has been having these huge meltdowns during BF sessions today. It seems like he's frustrated either by my milk being too slow to flow or b/c not enough is coming out. Twice today he would cry uncontrollably for what seemed like forever to the point of barely being able to catch his breath and it breaks my heart beyond belief.So far he's only had 4 wet diapers today..

 I've managed to pump a little bit and am contemplating syringe feeding him this extra milk following our BF sessions. I want to know if syringe feeding might either confuse him and lead him to expect that kind of "instant gratification" every time he's hungry OR is it safe to do once or twice? I'm hoping to make it through the night until tomorrow when I can join a BF support group...


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