
Sudden drop in supply. Please help!

I returned to work about a month ago and I pump 3 times per day at work and once after LO goes to bed. I've never been able to pump quite enough for my LO (I pump extra on the weekends and on my work from home day to make up for the difference), but all of the sudden today I am getting less than normal. I only got 3 1/2 ounces in my first pump this morning where yesterday I got 7! Any ideas??? I don't have AF and I am staying very well hydrated and I'm eating all the right things (lots of protein, lactation cookies, fruit and veg, etc). I also take Fenugreek and have upped the dosage. I don't know what to do. I really, really don't want to give LO formula, but I was already struggling to keep up and now it's worse. I really don't need it to be getting even harder. Any suggestions?
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