1st Trimester

Pregnant IVF'rs with previous miscarriage?

This is my second pregnancy. Our first was 2 years ago through IVF. We saw the heart beat at 6 weeks. At 9 weeks, I began spotting, and we miscarried 2 days before Christmas.

I am now 7 weeks pregnant through IVF again and scared as hell. This is also the exact time of our first pregnancy. Every twinge, pain, lack of symptoms, has me worried. Although overall I feel pretty calm about this pregnancy, I can't seem to enjoy it.

Please tell me I'm not alone. 

TTC 4 years IVF 10/31/10- 12 eggs, 8 embryos, 2 frozen 1 ET, low Hcg, saw heartbeat at 6w2d miscarried 9 weeks NaPro Technology- 1 year IVF 10/26/12- 7 eggs, 3 embryos, 0 frozen 2 ET grade A, 8 cells 12dp3dt 205 14dp3dt 300 18dp3dt 783 24dp3dt 3842, 1st US, 5w6d 126bpm, 7w1d BabyFruit Ticker
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