
xp: still fight the good BF fight

Since the last time I wrote here I did get LO back on the breast. I was having to supplement a good bit after each feeding because he would continue to show all the signs of hunger (eating hands, etc). Then I got what I thought was a milk blister. Nursing was so painful so I took a day off and pumped... bad idea. I'm only getting about 1.5 oz a day. Is this a lost cause? Feeling like maybe I should throw in the towel. I've fought this for a month and I'm either not disciplined enough or a total wimp because I suck at BF! My head says this is silly just give my baby the formula and move on but my heart says I need to continue to do everything I can to BF because that was my initial goal and what I wanted for him. 

Also I'm taking fenugreek 3x daily and drinking mother's milk tea like it's my job. And because I'm a SAHM it kind of is my job if BF is what I'm wanting to do... hahaha! Trying to find some humor amongst all the stress. 

Any thoughts or advice?

Thanks gals!  

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