Pregnant after IF

**LURKER** Antral Follicle Counts?

Hi ladies!  I'm over from the IF board, but I had a question to ask about antral follicle counts that some of you maybe able to help with.  I've posted a similar post a few months ago, but now that I'm into my first IVF cycle I'd like to know what others had when they went through their protocols. 

Yesterday I went for my baseline to start my suppression injections.  I had nine follicles.  Don't know the sizes of each, but 5 on one and 4 on the other.  I've read tons of literature that with that few follicles there is a decreased chance of a successful IVF cycle.  I feel like my world is collapsing before I even get into stimming.  

My question is what follicle count did you ladies have at baseline?  Did the number improve when stimming?  And how many eggs came from your retrieval?  

Any advice is gladly welcome as well!  Thank you!

All Welcome

Me: 29 DH: 30

IF DX severe endo SA: PERFECT!

7/16/2011 Married handsome hubby!
9/2012 Lap/Hystercopy DX w/ Stage III endo
Bilaterial Uterine Suspension/D&C/HSG
HCG/D&D on R/L ovaries/chromaltubation/Uterine Polyp
10/2012 RE consult. DX move straight to IVF
IVF #1 11/27/2012
IVF #1 Cancelled for Low Response and Converted to IUI #1 --- BFN

IVF #1.2 BCP 12/29 Stims 1/21 w/ New Protocol - Antongonist (225 Menopur, 150 Follistim, & Ganirelix)
ER 2/2/13 11R,9M,8F -- ET 2/7/13 2 Beautiful Perfect Blasts/5 made it Freeze! -- 2/12/12 +HPT -- 2/14/13 Beta #1 71 -- 2/18/2013 Beta #2 521 YAY! Let this be our take home baby!

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