
MIL Rant

Sorry, I just have to rant to get this off my chest. I thought you all might sympathize.

Yesterday DH is talking to MIL casually about how DD has recently started waking for one MOTN feeding (she used to STTN). We aren't complaining; this is normal for her hitting her 4 month wakeful period. We can handle a nighttime nursing session.

Well, MIL then proceeds to tell him that she thinks that we are not feeding DD enough. Why? Well, apparently she cries for a few minutes when her bottle is done. We feed 4oz per bottle feeding and MIL says that we need to now be feeding at least 6oz. She asks when we plan to increase her volume of feeds. Also, she apparently looks like she's only 1-2 months old. 

Grrr! This is so annoying. MIL has no clue how to feed a breastfed baby. First of all, we feed our baby based on her cues. She fusses a bit at the end of feeds but then calms and is fine. We never deny her a feed when she's hungry. However, if she's crying because she's tired or gassy we don't feed her. Daycare seems to think she's perfectly happy between bottles there. We always send an extra bottle with her and instruct them to feed on demand, but she never uses the extra bottle.

Just to be sure I'm not crazy I ran the numbers on the milk calculator on Kellymom. Based on that our current feeding schedule is on the high end of normal. 

I just think that MIL has this expectation that our baby is supposed to be guzzling massive amounts of milk and be in the 99th%ile. My baby has been growing just fine in the 5-10th%ile. She is small. There is nothing wrong with that. Some people are small. If she was not growing I would be concerned and feed her more. 

Sorry so long. Thanks for letting me rant.

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