
Road Trip

Sorry, I'm being a PW today. Baby is sleeping, and I finally have time to ask my pent-up BF questions!

We are traveling about 7 hours home for Christmas, and the baby will be about 9 weeks old. She is still taking 20-40 minutes to nurse, but she can down a 3-4 oz  bottle in about 10-15. So, she'll need to eat probably twice each way.

Does it make more sense to:

A. Pump in the car and let my husband give her a bottle (obviously, we would stop and not feed her while in motion)

B. Just nurse her at a rest area in the car or somewhere else (ideas about where?)

C. Nurse once and do a bottle/pump once

I haven't really NIP yet, but I plan to get some practice before we leave, at least in my car. I don't want to have to come home every 3 hours for the next 6 months!

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