
Nursing sessions per day

At her last Dr. appointment at one month, the pedi was slightly concerned about my baby's weight. She was born at 7 lbs 5 oz, dropped to 6 lbs 11.5 oz at 3 days, then was back up to 7 lbs at 8 days. At one month, she was 8 lbs 2.5 oz. The pedi was not worried enough to recommend weekly weigh-ins or weighed feedings or anything, but she said she would be watching closely at her 2 month appointment. At that time, the baby was nursing about 9 times per day. Over the last week or so, she's dropped to about 8. And then yesterday, it was only 7. She'll be 6 weeks tomorrow. Is 7 sessions per day enough? We do a combination of scheduling and on demand. During the day, I will let her go 3 hours in the morning, 2.5 hours in the afternoon, and 2 hours in the evening if she does not demand to be fed (which is very infrequent--usually she is ready to eat about the time I think she should). But overnight, the pediatrician said 5-6 hours was ok, but she's never gone more than 5.

I should also say I'm almost positive I do not have a supply issue. At my morning pumping, I get 5-6 oz, and when I pump in place of a feeding, I get 3-4 oz depending on how late in the day it is.

That was long, and I apologize--I'm a newbie with lots of questions! So, is 7 sessions per day ok for a 6 week old? And also, would you move to just on demand during the day?

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