
Scheduling Question

So, when I first started pumping a few weeks ago (had to return to work for a few days at only 4 weeks), the LC suggested I pump once in the morning about 1.5 hours after the first nursing session. That was working fine for a few weeks, but now it's beginning to be a bit of a scheduling issue, in that it takes 3.5 hours to get out of the house if I want to nurse the baby right before we leave to avoid having to nurse while we're out. Normally, we are going to appointments, so nursing on the go just won't work. Example:

6:00 nurse

7:30 pump

9:00 nurse

9:30 leave the house

I'm wondering if I can move my pumping session to right after our first nursing session. So, it would be more like:

6:00 nurse

6:30 pump

8:00 nurse

8:30 leave the house

Also, my breasts are extremely engorged in the morning as my baby is sleeping longer and longer, so I don't think that it will affect how much I get from pumping very much. I have been getting 5-6 oz in 10 minutes, which is way more than enough to stick in the freezer or give the baby every few days. Oh, and my baby is 6 weeks old--not sure if that matters.

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