Dads & Dads-to-be

Sigh - DH advice for delivery room

OK men.  I am in need of your advice or at least your perspective because I am ready to strangle my DH and I need to get inside the male role for a minute. 

My husband is not good with hospitals, needles, etc.  I am, on the other hand, an ICU nurse.  I am due to give birth in six weeks and my DH keeps bringing up how he is going to barf or pass out in the delivery room and how I am probably going to end up "on my own."  I finally blew up at him about it because it sounds like he is just freaking himself out about it and I just don't understand how he can't just stay at the head of the bed and focus on me rather than the crazy business going on with my hooha.  He says he just wants to warm me in case it happens and thinks I am being insensitive because I am fine with the gross stuff. 

How do I deal with this?  I have my mother on backup in case he actually does pass out but am i wrong to think he is being a big baby and that he needs to buck up for the birth of his daughter?  Or is this a legitimate thing I need to take into account here?  I just want to kick him. :)

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