
misdiagnosed reflux= tongue tied

mobile users: misdiagnosed reflux=tongue tied 

Just wanted to share my experience in case anyone else could relate. My son will be 5 weeks on Thursday and ever since my milk has come in I have known something wasn't right. He vomits quiet often (not in pain), breaths funny while on his back like he is congested, nurses sometimes every 1.5-2 hours at night, and makes a lot of clicking noise while he nurses.  Pedi told me vomiting was due to reflux but since he wasn't in pain he didn't need to be medicated. I finally made an appointment with the lactation consultant today and turns out he is tongue tied. She said alot of tongue tied babies get misdiagnosed as having reflux. He has adapted b/c he is gaining weight on track but he swallows so much air due to not having a proper seal he is constantly gassy, vomits, and is super fussy. This has caused his oral muscles to become weak which is why he wants to nurse every 1.5 hours sometimes (he gets tired on the boob and just nurses a little at a time), She said this also causes his tongue to fall back in his throat causing the very congested sound while he is on his back. We are seeing an ENT tomorrow about having his tongue clipped. Just wanted to share in case anyone was going through the same problems. If I hadn't gone to the LC I would have probably given up on breast feeding, I'm ready to get this problem fixed so I can enjoy it like so many of you other moms. 

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