1st Trimester

HCG numbers!

At 4w1d my hcg was 12.8, 4w5d it was 171.3, at 5w it was 356.6, and today at 5w6d it was 3813.3! I was worried because I haven't had much for symptoms in a over a week. Very slight, occasional cramping and tingly boobs. All my friends with babies were starting to scare me since they all had horrible m/s and I'm not having any. So in a panic I called my RE doctor and they had me take another HCG test. Now that my number show things are still looking good I asked why I am having no symptoms and she said it may be that I was taking prenatal vitamins for a year before getting pregnant that I may not have much for m/s. Anyone else have this happen?
My hubby and I have been together almost 5 years and married 3 last Dec. DH is normal (high count and high motility) . I have PCOS and annovulatory hypothalamus. Been trying for a baby for 3 years. TI on Clomid in July and Aug 2012, and missed Sep due to irregular cycle. Started clomid again in Oct 2012 w/ovidrel trigger and IUI #1 on 11/1/12. 11/17/12 BFP. M/C at 9 wks 12/20/12 Switched to Letrozole 2/23/12 trigger and IUI #2! Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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