
A few questions..

Posted this on my 3 - 6 month board, but meant to post here... 

Hi All!! A few questions on what you guys do...most breastfeeding related some not - I just really like this board :) We have 3 month old little angel.

1) Do you use the Vitamin D Supplement drops? Our Ped recommends it and we have used for 3 months, but think it would be fine to not use - just wondering what other's do.

2) We have bassinet in out room and DD sleeps in that half the night and in the bed with us the other half. I never thought I would have DD in bed with us, but WE LOVE it. I feel it is safe to co-sleep, but so many places say not to! How often do you nurse a 3 month old at night? Also, do you/did you have your 3 month old on a schedule? I think we are doing good until I read about other 3 month old's and they are sleeping through the night feeding maybe only once. We usually go to bed around 9 and sleep until 9 or 10 the next morning and feed between 3 and 4 times a night in bed. This seems normal to me, but then when you read that others already have their baby in their crib and they go to bed at 7 and only wake up once to feed - it makes me feel like i'm doing something wrong :( I try to have a loose schedule, and let DD and how she is feeling decide our day. Sometime we still nurse for hours at a time on the couch, and I do love it, but now sure if she should have grown out of that by now.

3) Lastly DD still nurses every 2 hours and about every 3 hours at night, at this point I thought she would go for longer periods - is this normal and at what age do you see more spaced out feedings?

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