
Milk ejection question

Lo is 2 weeks old, I am ep'ing with a medela PISA. I don't know if this matters, but I'm also getting over mastitis. The mastitis started last Thursday. I am feeling back to normal now.

So, I have had oversupply since my milk came in. I'm getting about 40 oz. a day. I'm pumping between 6 to 8 times a day. LO wakes to eat like clockwork every three hours during the night, 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, and he has been cluster feeding from about 6:00 to 9:00 every night.

During the day and even when he's doing the cluster feeding I don't really leak much at all except right before its time to pump. But at night, I'll leak pretty much constantly. And at least once, I'll wake up in between sessions bc I'm just soaked. I seriously think it must be like an ounce that has leaked.

I've read that your prolactin levels are higher at night. Is that what's going on here? Will it get better?

Any tips for coping? I'm sleeping on a beach towel, I try to only lay on my back bc I feel like I leak less that way, and I'm only wearing a loose t shirt to avoid drenching all my bras.

Should I change something about my night pumping? I pump for 1015 min. I wait for my second let down and do some massage. I'm scared to drop a pump or do something that will get me back to a clogged duct and/or mastitis.

Thanks for your help, I just feel like my entire life is covered in breastmilk right now!

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