
Did traveling make your pumping at work change?

I've been pumping at work (nursing at home) at 10a, 12p, and 3p more or less (those are the times I can do this).  I usually pump once at 6a, then nurse the rest of the day during the weekends.  During the Thanksgiving break, we traveled to see family and I had about 6 days of almost exclusively nursing (pumped in the morning).  Now that I'm back at work, my 10a pumping session had less than 1/2 oz total!  I pumped at 630a and that was fine, but nothing came from the 10a.  I'm pumping now at 12noon, so we'll see what comes from that, but has this happened to you?  And has the supply returned to the "normal" work schedule?  I'll be off for Christmas break too, but for 2 wks, so I'll need to know if I need to throw in a pump or two during my nursing sessions to keep up my milk supply.  Trying hard not to worry right now.  I appreciate any help.  Btw, my LO is 3 months old.  Thanks!
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