
~*~*MSPI Moms Weekly Check-In*~*~

 ~*~*MSPI Moms Weekly Check-In*~*~

Welcome! This is a check-in for moms who are/were on a dairy free and/or soy free diet due to their LO's intolerance. The check-ins will be posted every Monday morning on the Breastfeeding board and XP'd to the Food Allergy board. I will RP a link to the check-in on the Breastfeeding board on Monday evenings for the nighttime posters, if the check-in isn't on the first page of posts. If you'd like to join the group, just post an intro here and dive in!

To check out the archive of our previous check-ins, please see the MSPI Moms Blog.

QOTW:How did everyone's Thanksgiving go? Was Thanksgiving easier/harder than you anticipated? (Or how was your weekend, for our Canadian gals). :) - I'm well on my way to getting absolutely nothing done today.
DD1: allergic to eggs, dairy, soy Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
c/p 4/1/11

DD2: milk and soy protein intolerant, allergic to cashews Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
MSPI Moms Check-In Blog
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