
Weight gain!

I posted last week after DS's 6 month appt about how the dr was concerned about his weight gain. He was 13 lbs at 4 months and 14.4 lbs at 6 months.
DH took him back today because little man is sick and he's up to 15.1 lbs! It's just been 5 days!
I'm feeling so much better.
We did increase his bottles to 5 oz and started solids but I'm thrilled.
Thanks to everyone for your support. We decided to skip rice cereal or any type of cereal for that matter and jumped in with avocados 12x a day.
The dr was happy too so it's a good day :]

Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
BFP #1 12.5.07 DD born 8.6.08
BFP #2 6.18.11 M/C 6.26.11 @ 4w 5d
BFP #3 9.15.11 DS born 5.21.12
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