
Discourage or encourage frequent feedings?

I?ve posted a few times about how my nipples are incredibly sore between and during feedings.

LO feeds almost every hour and a half. I have at home doula support and my doula told me that I should try to stretch out how long he goes between feedings. She said if he feeds frequently I will only get more sore.

Just wondering what your thoughts are on this? Should I stretch out the length between feedings or should I continue to nurse on demand (LO is just over a week old).

I should note that the one reservation I have about stretching out the time between feedings is that LO is usually already very worked up and impatient when he is ready for a feeding. I worry that he?s less likely to latch well, or may even bite out of frustration, if I wait too long...I?m very confused about what to do...
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