1st Trimester

Husband is more worried than excited!

So, my pregnancy was a shocker! We actually planned on starting this month and happened to find out I'm pregnant last weds. I have been taking prenatals since the beginning of October since we were going to try in November.

 Well my poor hubby admitted last night that he is worried sick about me and the baby. We figure I'm about 5/6 weeks. My Mother and his Mother have both had numerous miscarriages and my mom came close to death with the birth of my older brother from tearing and bleeding so badly. Not having health insurance doesn't ease his worry either, since it can take a while for medicaid to decide, and not knowing if we can afford OOP expenses. Is it normal for him to be so worried? He said he just has a bad feeling...last thing I need to hear!!!

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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