
2 questions

Hi ladies,

I haven't been on here in a while, but DD is sick today--no work/DC for us...

Anyway, she'll be 8 months old this week, and out of nowhere, I'm starting to get engorged and leak overnight. She's been STTN pretty consistently since 12 weeks, so we're not on a new schedule or anything. I feed her for the last time around 8pm, and around 3:30am (twice in the last 4 days), I wake up with a wet shirt. I usually wake her up and feed her at 6am. Any ideas??

And possibly related--the bottom right side of my right breast is painful. It's the same pain as when it's super engorged, but the skin isn't red, inflamed, or really firm. It's just very tender to the touch and when movement includes that area, even after a good feeding. Thanks!!

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