
Question for MSPI mommas

So a month and a half ago my son was diagnosed with a milk protein intolerance. His only real symptoms of it was mucousy stools with blood in them. I have been dairy free for a month and a half now, thanksgiving was not fun at all, and he still has mucous in his stool but I'm not sure if there is still any trace of blood. Is it possible he is intolerant to soy as well since his stools are about the same? I hate to say it but if he is we are absolutely switching to formula. I have been extremely careful with cutting dairy out but most of what I eat still contains soy.

He is also getting back into the wanting to nurse every hour and a half all day and night routine again. My breasts are so sore from the past 3 days of nursing. Is that normal for his age? He is almost three months.
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