
Job offer...Need to pump (XP: Working Moms)

Hi Ladies - looking for advice on this, please:I am about to finalize negotiations for a new job that I will start in about 2 weeks.  It's a rather large company so I assume they are subject to the law requiring a place for nursing moms to pump.  How would you go about bringing up this topic to HR?  My thought was, after the final offer was actually accepted on my part, to ask what accommodations they have for nursing moms who work.  I will have less than 4 weeks until DS is a year by that point, but I plan to continue pumping once a day during my lunch break for as long as I can keep it up.  During those 4 weeks, though, I need to pump 3x a day for 20 minutes each.  I've been lucky so far to have a very lax atmosphere where I currently work that no one cares when or how often I pump.  This new company, however, is much more corporate and I am not sure where they are on their level of understanding for nursing moms.   If anyone has faced a similar situation and wouldn't mind sharing their input, I'd greatly appreciate it!  thank you.  
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