Single Parents

My cousin is probably getting divorced, I need some advice

Sorry to board crash! 

My cousin recently separated from her husband, largely because she wants kids and he doesn't.  (I don't know of any other issues, though there may be some.)  She hasn't really advertised this to anyone outside family and close friends, but the news is now grapevining through the family.  (This is how our family does things; please don't think it's vicious gossip.  She gave her mom permission to spread the word this way.)

DH and I want to be supportive and helpful since she needs it, but we aren't exactly sure what to do or say.  Her husband is a pretty nice guy and fun to be around, so I don't think we'd be likely to ex-bash.  But we've always thought it was odd that she married someone who so adamantly did not want to be a parent when she places such high value on family, including kids.  I know other members of the extended family don't really like her H, though I don't know their reasoning.  She's in her early 30s, so if she does leave him, she still has some time to meet someone new and have children.

What are some things we should absolutely avoid saying/doing while she goes through this? 

What are some things we could say/do that would be supportive/helpful as she goes through the separation and probably divorce?


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