
Groceries to have on hand? (FTM)

What suggestions do you ladies have about foods/drinks to have on hand when we get home from the hospital (and for the first few weeks while we're learning to BF)?

Depending on when LO arrives, I'll be by myself during the day from about 7-4:30 (DH is a teacher and his Christmas break doesn't start until Dec 21st, which is 10 days after my due date).  I want to make sure I have things stocked up that I'll be able to prepare easily when I'm by myself, but are also healthy for me and baby.  DH is a good cook, so I'm not worried about dinners.

Also, anything in particular that's recommended with BFing?  I've read about eating oatmeal so I'll make sure we have that.  Anything that ISN'T recommended that can negatively affect your supply?  TIA!! 

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