1st Trimester

a miracle

I have had issue with my period ever since it started. No insurance so college health clinic put me on birth control to deal with it. Years later after i was out of college and married my DH and I decided to try for a baby. I found out i havent been ovulating due to PCOS. Tried all kinds of different drugs, Fertility meds.. etc... in May had a cyst removed and while in surgery he did OD. I had normal periods for the first time ever. Then in August my cycles started getting really long like from 28 days to 36 then 38... i went to my doctor on October 18th for my annual pap smear and i took a test there like i always do. It was negative. I started having dark discharge on the 21 24 thought my body was messing up again like before the surgery... but on Thanksgiving I decided to take a test because I was feeling really nauseated. Positive! Next day i got two more positives! And this morning another positive! I know so many women in my husbands family and at work who cannot have children so i feel so blessed that werr pregnant. Im going to set up an appt with the dr but of course theyre closed till Monday because of Thanksgiving. So till then how far along do you guys think i am? : Last start of AF was Oct. 9th. Started the implantation? Discharge on Oct. 21st. BFP on Nov. 22nd. According to generic online pregnancy calculators im 6 weeks.
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