
One side per feeding?

My LO is 12 weeks and I've noticed over the last week or so she switched to only using one breast per feeding. Is this ok? I'm concerned she's not getting enough since shes back to eating every two hours and that she may only be getting foremilk. I pumped today for the first time in three days and I only got 3 oz combined and from one breast it was creamy and the other breast it looked like skim milk.
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TTC since September 2010 with PCOS BFP! December 16, 2011 Beta #1- 3095 Beta#2- 6179 Beta #3- 17494 started progesterone supplements...stick little peanut stick! First u/s Dec 28th & we have a heart beat!!! Elective U/S 3/12 It's A GIrl!! Anatomy scan April 1 :) Addison Lynn Born 8/22/12 8lb 4oz 20in & perfect!!
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