
Just a lot (vent)

I've got so much on my mind I can't even type it all to explain it! Crazy!

Ive just been feeling overwhelmed trying to handle it all. Plus now I'm deciding whether its time to wean. I need to lose weight, it's a health issue and every time I adjust my diet. My milk drops. I don't lose weight slowly. I tend to lose a bunch plateau and then lose more. Just my body style. I gain the weight back due to poor diet choices.

I guess I am just wondering how you decided to wean? She already gets formula to help supplement. So she has tolerated it well.

Im mostly struggling with the feeling guilty for thinking of myself. But it does affect my her and my bf.

Sorry for all the vagueness, my brain is shot.  just looking to chat with other moms who might relate.

DD is 5 1/2 mths.


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