
Desperately need help w/my 2 wk old (long)

I thought my BFing was going well but we hit some major issues since yesterday when DS turned 2 wk old.  

1) there is occasionally green stool w/each diaper change - sometimes none, sometimes 100%, sometimes just a small amt mixed in w/the usual mustard yellow stool.  Spoke w/a LC who says it's foremilk/hindmilk issue, which brings me to the next problem:

2) I feel like my L breast is producing less milk than before.  It makes less milk than the R (I hear that's common), but when DS latches on, he has to do at least 20+ sucks before I hear the first swallow.  After that, it still isn't the 1:1:1 ratio; but more like 4-5 sucks to 1 swallow.  DS also loses interest in the L breast quickly, like 4-5 minutes into his feed.  The LC says I need to keep him on the 1st breast for 20 mins in order for him to get hindmilk.  However, w/DS on my L breast, after the first 5 mins (max), he will only be comfort sucking/sleeping and I rarely hear a swallow.  FWIW, I am feeding him at least 10x a day (alternating breasts and offering 2nd breast at each feeding).

3) I see that many women here complain about their breast exploding if they don't nurse regularly.  For me, I only feel that way at night, around 10p through 6am.  During the day, I never feel my breasts getting that full, even if it has been 3 hrs since the last nursing session.  Does that mean I'm not making enough milk during the day?  I went to a BF support group 3 days ago and did a weighed feeding.  DS gained 1.5oz and the LC says it's good.

4) Since yesterday, DS is a lot more fussy than he used to.  For the first 2 wks, he cries rarely (occasional whimper) and naps well between feeds.  Since yesterday, he's become rather inconsolable unless being held by DH (I can't hold/cuddle him w/o him frantically rooting for the boob).  I can only console him by nursing him, even if it's just comfort nursing.  He will fall asleep w/DH holding him but as soon as we lie him down, he starts wailing (not the whimper but full blown 5 alarm cry), flailing his arms & legs.  I don't know if this is colic or some kind of milk allergy?

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