
foremilk/hindmilk imbalance or milk sensitivity

mobile users: foremilk/hindmilk imbalance or milk sensitivity 

I called Tuesday to meet with a lactation consultant and due to the holiday I wasn't able to schedule an appointment till this coming Tuesday. I think I have an oversupply/fast letdown/foremilk hindmilk imbalance, and his stool has changed from orange/yellow color to a yellow/greenish color. When speaking to her on the phone she thinks my son may have a milk sensitivity. She asked me if his stools where mucousy and I really wasn't sure how to answer.  This is gross but if I smash his diaper together and pull it apart it does look a little stringy and is slippery but isn't obviously mucousy. She didn't really seem to concerned about the foremilk/hindmilk imbalance and was leaning more towards milk sensitivity due to the mucous. I have a couple questions

 1. is it normal for baby's stool to have some bit of mucous in them? 

 2.  Any moms with LO's who have had milk sensitivity and does this sound about right? 

I'll add that he does get  fussy about 15 minutes after he eats and it takes about 30 minutes of soothing to calm him down unless he is super sleepy. Having a hard time waiting till tuesday to get more answers so wanted to see what you ladies think. 

TIA for any advice 

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