1st Trimester

Hot bath?

Hi Ladies,

Maybe this a dumb question but a friend of mine just told me that you're not supposed to take hot baths during pregnancy? I am 5 weeks and this is my third child. I took baths every night almost with both my kids and I have been quite frequently so far with this pregnancy as well. It's kind of a nightly ritual for me.

I know you're not supposed to do hot tubs/sauna etc, but I never thought of a hot bath. I have googled and there seems to be a lot of conflicting info, some saying not over 100 degrees. I'm pretty sure my bath water is hotter than 100 degrees, but I've never checked.

It seems like it wouldn't be a big deal as baths cool quickly, and I didn't have problems with my boys but obviously I don't want to do anything to endanger the baby. I will ask the doctor when I go, but don't have an appt for a couple weeks.

What do you ladies think? Again, sorry if this is a dumb question, or if it has been asked before.

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