1st Trimester

Serious mood swing last night!

Now, I AM a cryer, in sad movies, when something is moving, etc... but I don't cry unexpectedly at things or when I get frustrated, stuff like that. Anyways, last night DH made a joke comment while we were changing DD's diaper "hey, how about instead of just standing there you actually do something and put this diaper on". He was completely joking, but I burst out with "I don't like that! You already make me feel like I do nothing around here!" And then I burst into tears. DH was literally shocked and felt so horrible, and then I felt horrible, blah blah blah. THEN I put in a dvd, the HBO movie Temple Grandin. Holy crap, I was BAWLING through the whole thing. Every five minutes something happened in the movie that just made the tears start all over again. Happy stuff, sad stuff you name it. Crying. DH comes in the living room all timid "um, are you okay? do you need some tissue?" Which of course made me cry! It was weird because this was totally not me, you know? This pregnancy is SO different from the first in every way. Guess I should get used to it!
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