
6 Months - My story so far with LO and food.

Hi everyone.

Wow, ive just been reading the "crazy" thread about the juding and what not.  and i say crazy in jest not to make light of anyones feelings or anything.

So before LO was born I always said out loud how I would give BF a go.  So I did.  I wasnt very good at it.  But the first few days I tried, failed and tried.  But didnt really get the hang of it.  So I started pumping and giving formula and trying to get LO to latch. 

I was tired with LO home by myself FTM not knowing what to do.  Didnt know a thing about BF or where to go apart from the bump or dr. google. 

Although i dont BF i do pump.  I was using a PISA but before i went back to work i went and rented a sympihony and have been using that ever since. 

Its been working great.  I give My LO BM during the day and his last feed is formula. 

Im going to say it, im pround of my self.  even though there the one bottle of F, im doing it.  I didnt think i could Pump, but i can and I am so thats all I really had to say.  Im doing the best I can and know how and I feel good about it.  So im going to give my self kuddos. yay me. 

I will say I am obsessed with all things BM. 


image Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
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