1st Trimester


Well I called the office at 8:30 this AM voicing my concerns and worries that if they were SO worried about an ectopic and my hcg levels doubling like they did, WTH should I be waiting until Dec. 4th to be seen?! So 4 hrs later, they called me back and said the OB wants me to go in Monday for another hcg level and if high enough, they could do an ultrasound to see if I have an IUP..so progress has been made and I only have 5 days to worry instead of 1 1/2 weeks! Thanks ladies for your advice, I knew in my gut it just didn't sound right to make me wait that long if they even suspected an ectopic..and btw, it was my original doc who ordered it, her partner yesterday didnt seem to concerned! :(
Cheryl (25) Andy (24) Newlyweds as of 8-17-12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker pregnancy week by week
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