1st Trimester

Letting go of DD's Godmother- long

I'm sorry for being a Debbie Downer for new moms who haven't even had one Godparent yet, but I need advice, or something...

DD's Godmother (GM) is my best friend, at least she used to be. She and I have been friends since freshman year of college, about 12 years, she was instrumental in my converting to Catholicism, and was one of two maids of honors at my wedding (other was my sister). GM has always been...sensitive, does not take criticism well, and does not fight fair. Whatever, noone is perfect and we all move on,. I feel, and so do other friends, that her bad qualities have become much more pronounced over the last several years, which is strange since she has been dating and married last year a seriously awesome guy who is so REASONABLE. Just a great guy. In the run up to her wedding she was graduating from grad school, had no job, her DH didn't have a lot of money, and I was also unemployed, had DD, and my DH was graduating from med school, so none of us had any money. Her parents gave her 10grand for the wedding and she was going crazy sticking to the budget, which is cool, but then she picked a $400 bridesmaid dress after I told her I couldn't afford more than $200, and she got pissed at me for literally everything regarding this dress, and also told me my bridesmaid dresses were ugly. Charming. I was so stressed about her wedding I didn't eat for days leading up to it. Anyways, the dress fiasco was sort of the beginning of the end of the friendship. 

Then, DH and I actually moved from out of state for his job to the city where GM lives. She's going on and on about how excited she is, but she sounds angry every time I call her, refuses to make plans with me because "I'm not a planner" (whatever), and the last time I saw her/spoke to her was a month ago, and she was texting with another friend the whole time, who met us out and was rude to me, and then GM got mad at ME for not liking this other person who is rude?

There are many more anecdotes like this that always leave me angry for days afterwards. 

I need to let this friendship go. Obviously something is up with her, but I just don't have the energy to deal with her anymore. I am pregnant with #2, and she was gushing about how excited she was but she barely knows DD, who is her Goddaughter. Anyways, I guess if anyone has any advice, or has let go of a Godparent, or anything, I would appreciate it. I don't know my Godparents at all, but I kind of wish DD's would have lasted longer than 2.5 years, you know? Thanks for reading.

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