Single Parents

divorced moms

who did you talk to and when?  DH and I just don't like each other and it seems to be getting worse and worse.  We are still together because we're just too lazy to leave and I think we're both uncomfortable with telling others our issues, I know I am.  I want to leave, but I also don't want to deal with being a single parent, we'd lose money on our house, and I know divorce is expensive and we just don't have alot of extra money, plus I really don't want to share my kids.

We go through alot of ups and downs, we both say we want out, and the next morning we're over it.  I really don't have any close friends, so it would be my mom or sister I'd tell I want to leave, but I don't want anyone to know how bad things are or tell them things about DH that would make them not like him, and then we get over it and stay together.  What did you do? 

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Teterboro 5K 7/16/11 23:22 Tenafly 5K 6/5/11 26:48 1st in age group and stroller division Teterboro 5K 7/17/10 24:42 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/25/10 28:18 4 1/2 weeks pp Teterboro Airport 5K 7/18/09 22:35 3rd place age group 4 1/2 weeks pregnant Long Branch 1/2 5/3/09 1:51:07 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/26/09 22:22 NJEA 5K 11/7/08 22:30 2nd place age group Westchester 1/2 10/12/08 1:50:16 Teterboro Airport 5K 7/19/08 23:43 Long Branch 1/2 5/4/08 1:54:18 Giant Stadium 5K 4/26/08 error in timing Hackensack 5K 10/14/07 23:55 1st place in age group
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