Dads & Dads-to-be

questions for dads-to-be from a FTM

Hi all! And Congrats! ok, i hope some of you can help me understand. So ever since i got pregnant ( planned pregnancy ) DH could not be less interested in babies and pregnancy. The only time HE will bring up our baby boy is when he's talking about him playing sports or something. Thats it. Never asks me how im feeling or anything. Its like im not even pregnant. Granted, he does go to appointments with me and what not but thats it. Its just like everything is the same as if it was before i got pregnant. I just dont get it? Any ideas or imput on why he could be acting like this? im not harping on him or giving him a bad time or anything, im just concerned i guess. it is our first baby for both of us and we arent super young or anything (28) so i just dont know what his deal is!
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