

When pumping to increase supply do you ladies find it more helpful to pump for a longer amount of time or more often.

When I pump, I get a let down at 5 min, 17 ish min, and 35 min. So I have been pumping for 4045 min trying to empty my breast. That makes it hard to do it every 2 hours often times it's closer to 3 or 4. Would it be better to pump for say 15 min each time but pump more often.

This also comes into play with work. I have a 30 min lunch unpaid and two 15 min breaks paid so it would be easier to pump 1015 min on breaks and 2025 at lunch and get three sessions in a 10 hour period than to try and clock out twice for longer unpaid breaks plus that would make people more annoyed.

What would you suggest?
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