
unhappy after feeding

my LO is always so unhappy after breastfeeding. he does the back arch, whines, and grunts. he seems so miserable its really breaking my heart. the LC told me no reflux because he does sleep he does a 4 hour stretch at night in his RnP even when i get a good burp out he still does all this. the only thing that helps is giving him his pacifier to suck on. it really sucks at night because after i do a middle of the night feed, hes wide awake after flailing around post feed.

he has his 2 month follow up next week so i will bring it up with the pedi.

it kills me with the way he acts. i see other babies completely comfortable after breastfeeding just hanging out on their moms shoulder, so calm and content, almost coma like. and mine i have to have a death grip on him so he doesnt propel himself off me.

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