
major MSPI help needed.

 My DD is 2 months on the nose and has been suffering from a nasty case of MSPI for nearly a month. At that time I noticed a speck of blood in her diaper and went off of major dairy. 

Within a week her eczema went so crazy it was yellow and oozy, the colic was unending, her reflux went wild and more blood specks were in her diapers. Her Pedi had me cut out all hidden dairy and chocolate and peanuts. He wanted me to hold off on soy but I cut that too. The next two days were just as awful and I realized she was reacting to beef as well. 

So I said screw it and decided to try TED. I went with rice, turkey, squash. potatoes and pears. The turkey made her spit up and added specks of blood to her diaper so two days later I switched to lamb. The lamb really skeeved me out so I tried chicken. Chicken didn't seem to work either same results so the pedi told me to try fish. In a moment of pure stupidity I ate scallops instead of fish fish, and she had a really terrible reaction. More reflux, more screaming, more blood. Then I ate fries that were acceptable, but they were fried in soybean oil. I read soybean oil was supposed to be okay, but I think it really hurt her too. Two days later I ate puffed rice made by a friend. As strict Hindus they eat this snack when fasting as it is dairy and 'protien' free. Being new to the reality of the TED I stupidlyate something I didn't make myself and again she had the reflux, screaming and blood.

Then she seemed to react to either rice chex or summer squash. God, at this point I can't even tell anymore. 

This past week her diapers have been the worst yet. : She has gone from specks of blood to streaks and blobs. It seems like 24hrs after I eat something the reflux starts and the blood follows 1224 hours later.

We don't have stinky gas andwhen I can finally get her to sleep she sleeps like a champ, she is just reflux, screaming and bleeding. 

I think what it comes down to is that I have been a really bad TED'er. I should have given up on meats when she had a bad reaction to the turkey and left it at that until I baselined. I just kept thinking if I could find a meat that worked I would have no problem sticking to the TED and not adding anything for a good few months until I knew she was 'healed' enough to handle variety again. The fries were an honest mistake everything I read said that soybean oil shouldn't be a problem.  The rice snack was just stupidity. 

Two days ago I met with the Pedi GI. He is part of a practice at CHOP rated as the very best in the US. The very first thing out of his mouth? Pump for two weeks and put her on Allimentum. : He seems to think it is just Milk and Soy and that my list of things that bother her dairy, beef, shellfish, peanuts, chicken, turkey and possibly soy is unreasonable and 'there is no way she is intolerant to all of those things.'  I was also told that there is no way I can continue on a TED without sacrificing my own health and My personal favorite I have 'already given her all the benefits breastmilk has to offer so there is no problem switching to formula now.

He believes she is still 17 days later still reacting with new intensity to dairy left in my milk. He also mentioned having to try multiple formulas to figure out what works for her. Isn't that exactly what I am doing with TED? How is formula the better choice? 

He also said no probiotics or enzymes as there is no proof they are effective. I asked for a script for zantac for her reflux and got a speech about 'bandaids' and how I can't give her zantac and eat what I want as it won't cure the MSPI. After explaining I just didn't want her to suffer as we tried to work with the MSPI and I had no intention of eating dairy he wrote the rx. 

I managed to convince him to 'let' me go for another 10 days on TED to try to get the bleeding to stop. To that effect I am down to the things I know don't bother her: Potatoes white and sweet, Avocado and pears. I also splurge on Pelligrino with dinner I know I can't do just potatoes, pears and avocados for long, but I figured if I can make it a week and show signifigant progress I can try either rice or squash again and go from there. If there isn't any progress at least I know I tried everything I could and move forward with formula with no regrets. 

I get that he is the Dr and all, but based on what I have read here and elsewhere and especially Erin's links I think he is sort of full of baloney. The allimentum won't be the cure all he is making it out to be and I will have sacrificed my breastfeeding relationship for nothing. I know he wants a two week formula trial but I know that with two other kids and FF the baby I won't be able to pump nearly enough to keep my supply where it needs to be. 

I also asked him about oversupply potentially being a part of the problem. My second son was on block feeding per the LC for suspicion of oversupply. I have tried block feeding in the interim just in case as the GI admtted he knew nothing about it. 

After 2 days of no blood she has had 3 dipes with blood specks tonight.

I feel so defeated.

So what should I do? Is it reasonable to go for a super TED for a week to see what it can do? Am I being selfish for letting her go another week like this to try and salvage breastfeeding? Am I right that Allimentum is not the fantastic cure he is making it out to be? Am I completely out of my mind here?
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