
Update Weight gain issues in EBF baby

I spoke with my LC and she is as baffled as the pediatrician given I have a very happy little boy. I am starting fenugreek and am going to continue to offer him an ounce or two of pumped breastmilk after he has BFed. I will pump each time I offer him a bottle and he takes it to make sure my supply doesnt tank. And we are going in on Monday to do a weighed feed and obviously to see if he gains anything with this new plan of attack
Thank you all for your encouraging words!

Just got back from my DS's one month appointment. We are having weight gain issues. The pediatrician is not too concerned but my DS has only gained 2 ounces in two weeks; he is not even back up to his birth weight. He was 9 lbs. 5 oz. at birth and is currently only 9 lbs. 2 oz. He has grown almost 3 inches in length since birth

At his two week appointment he had regained some of his lost weight and gaining approximately 1 ounce per day so the pediatrician didn't think there were any weight gain issues.

He eats well and I have plenty of milk. I am going to try offering him a bottle of pumped milk after feeding at the pediatrician's suggestion to make sure he is getting enough to eat and we will recheck his weight in two weeks

Has anyone gone through this and have any advice? If his weight is not up in two weeks I'm going to speak with the lactation consultant
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