July 2012 Moms

Have PPD. What have I missed?

Hey ladies. I haven't been on in awhile. I have been pretty useless due to postpartum depression. Now I'm on meds so things are looking up.

How has everyone been? Did I just see a post that eafogel (sp?) is preggers already?! Wow. That's kinda cool. Though I can't imagine it for myself. We are done for sure. Hubby got vasectomy a few weeks back.

Anyone else have PPD? Pregnant again? Licking maple bushes? Stuffing their faces with Oreos? Etc. Etc.

Luv my little Ethan and Amanda who have kept me going through all my mental stuff! They are doing well! Ethan had his 4 month appt yesterday and is 16 lbs and 26 inches long. Amanda is doing wonderful in school and is also growing like a weed!

Thanks for any updates! I've missed you ladies!

Loving life's blessings!
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