Trying to Get Pregnant

Newbie here!

Hi girls,

I have been lurking for a couple weeks and finally finished my last Nuva Ring cycle yesterday so I figured I'd start posting. I spent countless hours on the bump while pregnant with DS and I'm excited to be back.

DS just turned 4 and we are ready to add to our family! DH and I are planning on using the Shettles method to conceive a girl. I know that will probably cause some controversy on here, but I am prepared to keep my big girl panties on and stand by our decision. Of course I would be happy with a healthy baby no matter the gender, but why wouldn't I want to put the odds in my favor? I have nothing but respect for all of you who have trouble getting pregnant. I have suffered a couple miscarriages myself and understand your pain. I will be charting with FF for a few months until my cycle becomes regular and predictable.

Questions for you girls...

I suffer from HORRIBLE morning sickness! I took Zofran every day with DS, I still threw up daily but it took the edge off. With my last pregnancy, which ended in a miscarriage at 9 weeks, Zofran and Promethazine suppositories didn't even touch my nausea! I was constantly in the hospital getting fluids from exactly six weeks until the demise of the baby. I am worried that I will end up having to be on the pump or need to have infusion therapy at home! I have been trying to research pre-conception diet tricks that will help with the nausea. Anyone know of anything?

I am also interested in pre-conception work out routines and prenatal vitamins if anyone has any advice.

Excited to be here!

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