
Daycare said to increase ounces?

I dropped my daughter off at daycare this morning (this is her 4th day there) and my DCP mentioned that I might want to think about upping her ounces from 4 to 5 because when she's done eating she sucks feverishly on her hands (she eats three times a day there).  There is no way in he!l I am going to be able to pump that much on a daily basis.  She is 12.5 weeks old, so I'm thinking that maybe she's going through a growth spurt, but what do you all think?  Should I give her an extra ounce to see if that helps or should I just keep it at 4 oz.?  I don't want to starve the poor girl, but I also don't want to up the ounces if she doesn't need it.
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