July 2012 Moms

I'm a raging b*tch

I don't know what my problem is but I know if my DH acted the way I do I would NOT be ok with it. I don't think it's PPD because I'm fine in the morning and during the day. In fact, yesterday I felt deliriously happy going to work (though I feel just as happy on the days I SAH). I start to be a raging twatwaffle around 8pm and I can't figure out why. All of a sudden everything bothers me and I flip out like a hormonal teenager.

Last night DH was watching basketball and kind of zombie-ing out to the tv. This makes sense as we had both had 5 hours of sleep the night before and LO was in bed so we could relax. He agreed to wash the bottles but had decided to wait until after the game. I got sick of watching basketball and instead of saying so like an adult I stormed off to wash bottles. He came in the kitchen saying he would do them and I yelled "then f*cking wash them!". Good grief talk about over reacting. He started washing bottles like the amazing person he is and I later apologized for being a freak and he said it's all right and he loves me. Like, really? I'm such an as*hole. If DH ever did this I'd say he's an emotionally abusive chauvanistic pig and I don't like that I'm treating him that way.

I wonder if part of the reason I'm acting this way is because I'm tired and cranky but also because he lets me get away with it. But what else could it be? Is anyone else going through anything similar? I would love to stop being a crankass if anyone has suggestions.

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