July 2012 Moms

The Return Of AF!

S woke me up at 6 this morning and before going in, I took a quick trip to the little girls room and out of left field, good old Aunt Flow made a grand entrance. Kind of strange since, aside from pp bleeding, I have not had to deal with this in over a year. S is BF, with no formula supplementing, so I kinda thought it would be longer before the return. I did start offering a paci in the crib at bedtime in an effort to make her able to fall asleep w/o me right there. I mean, it probably only cut nursing time by 10 or 15 mins, so could that have been a causing factor? IDK. I just hope that my supply doesn't take a hit. Now I know what my topic of research will be today. Any thoughts from BFing mamas out there whose period has already returned? TIA
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