July 2012 Moms

Ear Infection?

Hello, I am one of the newly outed lurkers and as such I figured I'd jump right in with a question...

My son had his 4 month appointment yesterday and the doctor was checking him and all of a sudden goes "oh...he has an ear infection".  Then she proceeded to question me on symptoms he may have been having.  The honest truth is that he has had no symptoms.  He?s been eating fine, sleeping fine, no fever.  This weekend he was a little crankier then normal but not so much that my H or thought anything was wrong.  Now, I don?t think the doctor intended it to come off like I should have noticed symptoms but, that is the way I took it and I am feeling guilty for not having noticed something was wrong, especially if it was causing discomfort. 

So my question is (maybe this is more for STMs) but other than the more obvious/drastic cues, how do you know when something is wrong?  What is the line that would make you call the doctor?


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